Self Matters - Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

Obal knihy Self Matters - Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

Cena: €3,40 (88 Kč)
Pre Vás: €3,23 (84 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: McGraw Phil
Vydavateľ: Simon and schuster source
Rok vydania: 2001
Stav knihy: 5 z 5
Katalogové číslo: F8553

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People often feel they are looking for an answer to a question they cannot quite formulate, and Self Matters by Phil McGraw offers a starting point. He has half a good idea. The other half, the half that gets you over the goal line, is missing. It is sacrificed to give the book the widest possible appeal.The book's missing element is expressed in the first chapter. Phil says, Don't panic. Changing your life doesn't necessarily involve changing where you live, who you live with, your occupation, or how you spend your time.That is the age-old problem of psychological advice which promises you can have everything now in your life and perfect adjustment (or happiness) as well. The truth is you cannot. You have to undo the lies of your life to get to your authentic self. When you do that, you will not be surrounded by the negative things and negative people dragging you back to your former life.... v angličtine, obal, tvrdá väzba, väčší formát, 314 strán

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