When Tomorrow Dawns

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Spisovateľ: Andrews Lyn
Vydavateľ: BCA
Rok vydania: 1998
Stav knihy: 5 z 5
Katalogové číslo: G8932

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1945. The people of Liverpool, after six years of terror and grief and getting by, are making the best of the hard-won peace, none more so than the ebullient O’Sheas. They welcome widowed Mary O’Malley from Dublin, her young son Kevin, and Breda, her bold strap of a sister, with open arms and hearts. Mary is determined to make a fresh start for her family, despite Breda, who is soon up to her old tricks. At first all goes well, and Mary begins to build an understanding with their new neighbour Chris Kennedy – until events take a dramatic turn that puts Chris beyond her reach. Forced to leave the shelter of the O’Sheas’ home, humiliated and bereft, Mary faces a future that is suddenly uncertain once more. But she knows that life has to go on... obal, tvrdá väzba,

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