Discover May 2011

Obal knihy Discover  May 2011

Cena: €1,90 (49 Kč)
Pre Vás: €1,81 (47 Kč)
Zľava: 5 %
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Spisovateľ: Kolektív autorov
Vydavateľ: Kalmbach
Rok vydania: 2011
Stav knihy: 5 z 5
Katalogové číslo: L4575

Kategória v ktorej je kniha zaradená:

Science, Technology and The Future. Contents: You are not human, The promise and peril of natural gas, Finding other earths 60 down, 60 bilion to go, A physicist invades the kitchen...v angličtine, brožovaná, veľký formát, 80 strán

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V kategórii Anglická ďalej doporučujeme

Flying Visits-Postcards from the Observer 1976-83

Spisovatel: James Clive, Picador 1984
Katalogové číslo: G3956

James Clive - Flying Visits-Postcards from the Observer 1976-83 Literate, brilliantly perceptive and witty, James's travel writing lays fair claim to S.J. Perelman's mantle. In this collection of James's London Observer pieces he describes his visits to his native Australia, Moscow, Japan, Salzburg and Jerusalem, and such U.S. sites as New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Epcot Center. There are also delightful entries on Margaret Thatchers visit to China, in which the Prime Minister is variously described as the War Leader, the Strong Woman, the Woman of Science and the Dragon Lady... v angličtine,brožovaná,180 strán

Stav knihy: 4 z 5

kúpiť€1,20 (1 952 Kč)
Pre Vás: €1,14 (1 854 Kč)

Sugar addicts diet

Spisovatel: Waterman Nicki, Thorsons 2004
Katalogové číslo: I8393

Waterman Nicki - Sugar addicts diet This is the 3-week dit plan guaranteed to help a nation of sugar addicts get slim and healthy... brožovaná, 340 strán

Stav knihy: 4 z 5

kúpiť€1,80 (2 966 Kč)
Pre Vás: €1,71 (2 818 Kč)

Lights Out Liverpool

Spisovatel: Lee Maureen, Orion 2000
Katalogové číslo: N6664

Lee Maureen - Lights Out Liverpool The residents of Pearl Street, Liverpool, are having a street party, but a shadow hangs over the festivities. It is 1939, and Britain is on the brink of war....v angličtine, brožovaná, 485 strán, menší formát

Stav knihy: 4 z 5

kúpiť€1,70 (0 Kč)
Pre Vás: €1,62 (0 Kč)

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