The road to nab end

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Spisovateľ: Woodruff William
Vydavateľ: Abacus
Rok vydania: 2002
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: L5080

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A bestseller in England and celebrated as one of the great memoirs in many years, The Road to Nab End is a marvelously evocative account of growing up poor in a British mill town. From William Woodruff's birth in 1916 (in the carding room of a cotton mill) until he ran away to London at the age of sixteen, he lived in the heart of Blackburn's weaving community in the north of England. But after Lancashire's supremacy in cotton textiles ended with the crash of 1920, his father was thrown out of work. From then on, Billy and his family faced a life blighted by extreme poverty... v angličtine, brožovaná, 407 strán, na predsádkach žlté bodky

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