Sports and Games

Obal knihy Sports and Games

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Spisovateľ: Bankevič L. V.
Vydavateľ: Prosveščenie
Rok vydania: 1964
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: L8262

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When the National Federation wants to take part in some international games, it must form the national team (scratch team). First of all, the list of possibles (candidates) is made. These are picked up by their former performances and personal bests... v angličtine, brožovaná, 97 strán

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Cast Kristin, P.C. - Burned Zoey Redbird´s soul has been shattered by the death of her high school sweetheart Heath, and she has followed him to the Otherworld. As the world theatens to fall under Neferet´s control, the only hope is that Zoey might find the strength to bring her soul together again... v angličtine, brožovaná, 325 strán

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The wild great wall

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Kolektív autorov - The wild great wall a book that offers a unique insight into lesser-known and unrestored parts of the Great Wall of China. Through detailed descriptions, photographs and the author's personal experiences, the book reveals the wild beauty and historical significance of this iconic structure that stretches across the Chinese countryside... v angličtine, brožovaná, 135 strán

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No Highway

Spisovatel: Shute Nevil, The book club 1948
Katalogové číslo: L4416

Shute Nevil - No Highway Theodore Honey is a shy, inconspicuous engineer whose eccentric interests are frowned upon in aviation circles. When a passenger plane crashes in Newfoundland under unexplained circumstances, Honey is determined to prove his unorthodox theory about what went wrong to his superiors, before more lives are lost. But while flying to the crash scene to investigate, Honey discovers to his horror that he is on board one of the defective planes and that he and his fellow passengers, including a friendly young stewardess and an aging movie actress, are in imminent peril...v angličtine, tvrdá väzba, bez obalu, 269 strán

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tel: 054 474 4424
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