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Spisovateľ: Bankevič L. V.
Vydavateľ: Prosveščenie
Rok vydania: 1964
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: L8262

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When the National Federation wants to take part in some international games, it must form the national team (scratch team). First of all, the list of possibles (candidates) is made. These are picked up by their former performances and personal bests... v angličtine, brožovaná, 97 strán

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V kategórii Anglická ďalej doporučujeme

Biofeedback nad the Modification of Behavior

Spisovatel: Yates Aubrey J., Plenum press 1980
Katalogové číslo: N3680

Yates Aubrey J. - Biofeedback nad the Modification of Behavior In this book, I have attempted to evaluate critically the very large literature which has accumulated in the area of biofeedback over the past 10-15 years. As might be expected in any area of psychology with clinical possibilities, the literature divides itself into two main categories-fundamental research studies and therapeutic studies. ... v angličtine, obal, tvrdá väzba, v knihe nálepky knižnice, 512 strán

Stav knihy: 4 z 5

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Churún Merú- The Tallest Angel

Spisovatel: Robertson Ruth, Whitmore Publishing Company 1975
Katalogové číslo: L5844

Robertson Ruth - Churún Merú- The Tallest Angel Although Caracas, a lovely colonial town of some 400,000 inhabitants that I write about in this volume, has now grown inte a burgeoning metropolis of near 2 1/2 million, still the small valley holds a special charm not found elsewhere... v angličtine, tvrdá väzba, bez obalu, 345 strán

Stav knihy: 4 z 5

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Therapeutic Community: Advances in Research and Application

Spisovatel: Kolektív autorov, National institute on drug abuse 1994
Katalogové číslo: N8656

Kolektív autorov - Therapeutic Community: Advances in Research and Application Contents: Socialization into the therapeutic community culture, Client outcomes from therapeutic community, Retention in therapeutic communities... v angličtine, brožovaná, 287 strán

Stav knihy: 4 z 5

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Pre Vás: €3,33 (0 Kč)

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