Slaughterhouse: The Handbook of the Eastern Front

Obal knihy Slaughterhouse: The Handbook of the Eastern Front

Cena: €8,00 (207 Kč)
Pre Vás: €7,60 (197 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Kolektív autorov
Vydavateľ: The Aberjona Press
Rok vydania: 2005
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: N1565

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In terms of sheer numbers of soldiers, armored vehicles, guns, and the scale of destruction and casualties, the Eastern Front was the most active and decisive theater of war during the twentieth century. For four years, the armies and air force of the world's two most powerful and brutal dictators savaged each other over terrain that stretched from the Arctic to the Middle East... brožovaná, v angličtine, 508 strán

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