As Time Goes By

Obal knihy As Time Goes By

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Spisovateľ: Bowling Harry
Vydavateľ: Headline
Rok vydania: 1998
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: N7266

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Carter Lane is an ordinary backstreet in Bermondsey and, for Dolly and Mick Flynn, it is home. When Dolly´s boys volunteer for the armed forces and her daughter Sadie seems determined to throw her life away on a married man, Dolly´s neighbour, Liz Kenny, is there to offer words of advice and a shoulder to cry on. Charity and Cynthia Lockwood, two elderly sisters who have lived together ever since Cynthia´s husband dissapears ten years ago, are always willing to offer a helping hand. But when a bomb uncovers a skeleton in the yard of Gleeson´s leather factory their own lives are thrown into turmoil... v angličtine, brožovaná, menší formát, 441 strán

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