The Devil´s Daughter

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Spisovateľ: Lipsky Eleazar
Vydavateľ: Meredith Press
Rok vydania: 1969
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: N7452

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San Francisco in the ´eigthes - the days of the Barbary Coast and the Comstock Lode, when fortunes were madeand spent overnight, when the veneer of newly bought sophistication lay thin and sparkling over the raw pasiions of the frontier. Into this turbulent scene came Jessica Roux, auburn-haired, sensuously graceful, with emotions so tempestuos and a personality so enigmatic and alluring that she was known as the "Devil´s Daughter."...v angličtine, tvrdá väzba, obal, 634 strán

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