Theatre and humanism in a world of violence

Obal knihy Theatre and humanism in a world of violence

Cena: €3,00 (78 Kč)
Pre Vás: €2,85 (74 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Herbert Ian, Stefanova Kalina
Vydavateľ: St. Kliment Ohridski University press
Rok vydania: 2009
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: O2469

Kategória v ktorej je kniha zaradená:

What makes violence on stage today so sexy? Until quite recently, violence for its own sake was the prerogative of B-feature films and junk mystery novels. What made theatre follow suit? What is the impact of the theatre of violence on the audience? Doesn't it actually make us conformists? Is there still a place for humanism among all the post-modern isms , including post-human or meta-human theatre? What is the relationship between violence and the aesthetics of ugliness? How does theatre stand against the right of might (and the ensuing violence) which has become a norm today on the stage of the world? And how can theatre and critics help preserve humanistic values on and off stage? Should they even try? This book is the first attempt in such a format to answer these hot questions; an overdue endeavour at a time when human life is becoming more and more devalued and human beings more and more disposable... v angličtine, brožovaná, väčší formát, 288 strán

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