Excavating Kafka

Obal knihy Excavating Kafka

Cena: €8,20 (212 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Hawes James
Vydavateľ: Quercus
Rok vydania: 2008
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: P285

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In "Excavating Kafka"James Hawes reveals the truth that lies beneath the image of a middle-European Nostradamus with a typographically irresistible name. The real Franz Kafka was no angst-ridden paranoid but a well-groomed young man-about-town who frequented brothels, had regular sex with a penniless-but-pretty girl and subscribed to upmarket pornography (published by the very man who published Kafka's first stories)... v angličtine, obal, tvrdá väzba, 245 strán

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