The World Rapers

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Spisovateľ: Black Jonathan
Vydavateľ: Mayflower
Rok vydania: 1975
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: G9384

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"Rapers" follows the rise and fall of Jemel "Jimmy" Karami, a brilliant and utterly amoral Lebanese businessman. The plot tells two converging stories - Jimmy's ascension to power, and the desperate plan he concocts to hold his place as the mideast crumbles beneath him. Though mideastern, Karami is not Moslem - he's Christian Lebanese, and he's spent much of his life away from home, he's less a fixture of "le oriente" than the avarice of global commerce. The story opens in the late 1960's - with Jimmy's position brought to the brink by a Beirut banking crisis in late 1966. The "Six-Day War" only exacerbates the situation for Karami, who lives by making constant deals bankrolled by deposits in his Beirut bank.... malý formát, brožovaná, v angličtine, 464 strán

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