Don´t Cry For Me Aberystwyth

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Cena: €3,30 (86 Kč)
Pre Vás: €3,14 (81 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Pryce Malcolm
Vydavateľ: Bloomsbury
Rok vydania: 2007
Stav knihy: 5 z 5
Katalogové číslo: H495

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The fourth book in the Louie Knight Mystery series. It's Christmas in Aberystwyth. The tourists have gone home. The latest movie starring Clip the Sheepdog is on at the cinema. And a man wearing a red and white robe is found brutally murdered in a Chinatown alley. A single word is scrawled in his blood on the pavement: Hoffmann. But who is Hoffmann? Thus begins the latest hilarious adventure in the "Louie Knight" series. This time, Aberystwyth's celebrated crimefighter finds himself all at sea in a brilliant pastiche of a cold war spy thriller. Caught in a web of intrigue spanning the world from Patagonia to Aberystwyth, Louie sets out on the trail of a legendary document stolen long ago from Adolf Eichmann. It is said to contain an astonishing revelation about the ultimate fate of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, but he's not the only one who wants it. A bewildering array of superannuated spooks and silver-haired spies have descended on Aberystwyth, all lured out of retirement by one tantalising rumour: Hoffmann has decided to come in from the Cold. Louie Knight, who still hasn't wrapped his presents, just wishes he could have waited until after the holiday... v angličtine, tvrdá väzba, väčší formát, obal, 280 strán

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