Table Talk

Obal knihy Table Talk

Cena: €1,60 (41 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Nimmo Derek
Vydavateľ: Robson Books
Rok vydania: 1990
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: H537

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Actor Derek Nimmo has starred in such TV programmes as "Hell's Bells" and "Oh Brother", and is renowned as a writer and producer. This book is a collection of Nimmo's stories, recipes, snatches of after-dinner speaking and table talk of every kind. Also included are anecdotes of disastrous dinners, amusing glances at etiquette down the ages, stories of some of the great raconteurs and restaurateurs of the past and revealing insights into our perceptions and appreciations of the varied delights of food and drink. From the author of "Not in Front of the Servants", "Oh, Come on All Ye Faithful", "Up Mount Everest Without a Paddle" and "The Actress Said to the Bishop".... tvrdá väzba, obal, väčší formát, v angličtine, 225 strán

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