Humor auf Englisch

Obal knihy Humor auf Englisch

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Spisovateľ: Korthals Eckehard
Vydavateľ: Frieling
Rok vydania: 2009
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: P1189

Kategória v ktorej je kniha zaradená:

Funny stories, jokes, limericks and puzzles to brush up your English... v angličtine, brožovaná, 126 strán

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Sexual Violence the Reality for Women

Spisovatel: Kolektív autorov, The Women's Press Handbook Series 1984
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Kolektív autorov - Sexual Violence the Reality for Women Unlike most agencies that women came into contact with, we always believe any woman who calls us. We also offer emotional support and/or legal and medical information according to what each woman wishes... v angličtine, brožovaná, 144 strán

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Spisovatel: Rodionov A.F., Vysšaja škola 1981
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Rodionov A.F. - Variants in Current English Grammar Modern English possesses numerous structures which are represented by two or more modifications having the same meaning and which can for this reason be used indifferently. These parallel modes of expression, or variants, form an integram part of English grammar... v angličtine, brožovaná, 215 strán

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Harris Charlaine - Dead as a Doornail Small-town cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse has had more than her share of experience with the supernatural - but now it´s really hitting close to home. When Sookie sees her brother Jason´s eyes startto change, she knows he´s about to turninto a werepanther for the first time - a transformation he embrances more readily than most shape - shifters she knows....v angličtine, brožovaná, 310 strán, menší formát

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