Focus on Canada

Obal knihy Focus on Canada

Cena: €4,00 (104 Kč)
Pre Vás: €3,80 (98 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Kolektív autorov
Vydavateľ: Parragon publishing
Rok vydania: 2006
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: P718

Kategória v ktorej je kniha zaradená:

Inspiring places, beautiful spaces... v angličtine, tvrdá väzba, veľký formát,96 strán

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Phoenix café

Spisovatel: Jones G., Vista 1997
Katalogové číslo: D2115

Jones G. - Phoenix café Third volume of the trilogy (White Queen, 1993; North Wind, 1996) about the exploitation of Earth by baboon-like, hermaphrodite, serially immortal aliens. Catherine is a human/alien hybrid. Though biologically human, her father is the influential Aleutian, Lord Maitri; mentally, Catherine herself the reincarnation of Clavel, the Aleutian Third Captain from the First Expedition. Now, after 300 years, the Aleutians are preparing to leave, and a human conspiracy, led by Misha Connelly and his friends at the Phoenix Cafe, are plotting against them. Catherine feels guilty for the rape she committed as Clavel, so she allows Misha to abuse and manipulate her. Then the Americans, who've permitted no contact with the Aleutians, prepare to receive a trade delegation. Maitri lies dying. Catherine discovers that Misha's plotters have been preparing ghastly biological weapons to use against the Aleutians, in retaliation for the aliens' refusal to share their advanced technology-though it turns out that they've developed the technology independently anyway. The biological weapons are for one human faction to use against another. Maitri dies, Catherine gets some explanations for her strange experiences, and the Aleutians depart. Wonderful aliens, unpleasant gender conflicts, heavy-handed metaphors, imperceptible plot: It all adds up to a churning, unsatisfying, rather unwieldy wrapup...v angličtine, brožovaná, výborný stav, 300 strán

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German order of battle 1944

Spisovatel: Hogg I.V., Greenhill books 1994
Katalogové číslo: N2342

Hogg I.V. - German order of battle 1944 German order of battle, 1944 represents everything the Allies knew about the strength of their adversaries at this key time - on the point of the Allied invasion of Europe... v angličtine, obal, tvrdá väzba,

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Glittering Images

Spisovatel: Howatch Susan, Fontana 1987
Katalogové číslo: F6506

Howatch Susan - Glittering Images The first book in the Church of England series.It is 1937 and beneath the smooth surface of an episcopal palace lurks the sordid breath of scandal. Charles Ashworth, a Canon to the Archbishop of Canterbury is sent to untangle the web of corruption, only to become involved himself.... v angličtine, malý formát, brožovaná, 504 strán

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