Mad Cows

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Spisovateľ: Lette Kathy
Vydavateľ: Picador
Rok vydania: 1997
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: P873

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Maddy Wolfe's first day out with her newborn takes a Kafkaesque turn when she's arrested in Harrods for shoplifting. If this is a miscarriage of justice, then detaining her in Holloway Prison's Mother and Baby Unit is the D&C. The only person she can turn to is her hot-to-trot ex-lover Alex, who proves himself as useful as a solar-powered vibrator on a rainy day. When will he realise that a paternity suit is not the latest look in men's leisure wear? How do you brief a lawyer with a heat-seaking penis which doesn't report to mission control? And why the hell is Maddy's friend Gillian searching for a sperm happy to get egg all over its face? There's hard knocks and rude shocks in this devastatingly witty follow-up to Foetal Attraction... v angličtine, brožovaná, 294 strán

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