Corn flakes for dinner

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Spisovateľ: Comerford Aidan
Vydavateľ: Gill books
Rok vydania: 2017
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: P874

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It was Aidan Comerford's big break! He'd just stepped off stage having been crowned the winner of "So You Think You're Funny" at the Edinburgh Fringe. He returned home elated, only to find out his youngest daughter, who has autism, had gone missing near a lake. This was the moment he realized personal dreams can never take precedence over family; a family struggling through unemployment, money, and - in the midst of it all - two daughters with autism. This book is about what happens when expectations don't meet reality and, dreams crushed, you carry on and discover that even the darkest of clouds can reveal a silver lining regardless... v angličtine, brožovaná, 296 strán

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