Hanna´s Daughters

Obal knihy Hanna´s Daughters

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Spisovateľ: Fredriksson Marianne
Vydavateľ: Phoenix
Rok vydania: 1999
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: P875

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Sweeping through one hundred years of Scandinavian history, this luminous story follows three generations of Swedish women—a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter—whose lives are linked through a century of great love and great loss. Resonating with truth and revelation, this moving novel deftly explores the often difficult but enduring ties between mothers and daughters, the sacrifices, compromises, and rewards in the relationships between men and women, and the patterns of emotion that repeat themselves through generations. If you have ever wanted to connect with the past, or rediscover family, Hanna's Daughters will strike a chord in your heart... v angličtine, brožovaná, 315 strán

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